Accepting yourself for who you are
In this day and age when we are bombarded with news after news and ads after ads on what we should be, should have and should own, it can become quite confusing to even know what is right anymore. Ever since the advent of TV, local cultural shifts that were once limited to family and friends are now ubiquitously spread across the world. Just as ideas travel like wildfire through news outlets and social media, so does our vulnerability towards it rise. Never has it been more important than now to go within and accept oneself for who we are.
Imperfection is natural
The truth is, no one is born perfect. If ever there was such a thing as perfection in this world, then surely there must be a flaw in the Universe’s design system, for randomness is an active expression of life that drives creation. Without these random imperfections, we may not have the ugly things in life but it also means we wouldn’t have the beautiful things. Indeed if the world was 100% perfect, then it would be a very boring place. Imagine a lack of interesting variations or how everything feels the same? Contrast gives meaning to life. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the depth of our experiences. Randomness and imperfection also guarantees that we are constantly in a state of creation and growth.
Our drive towards perfection is the fuel for our personal growth
As contrast gives meaning and depth to our lives, so does our drive towards perfection helps us grow. Our imperfection and discontent guides us to search for new, creative ways to improve ourselves and our situation. It means we reach out to try new things that we wouldn’t normally, giving us new experiences. While it may also sometimes seem to head down a destructive path, more often than not, it is a journey borne by a sincere desire to grow in life. This desire opens the door to curious discoveries as we begin to allow ourselves to look beyond our current life.
Curiosity opens up the world and discovery loosens the ego
Going on journeys puts our experiences and indeed our lives into perspective. The wonders that we discover while on the journey loosens the hold of ego. We begin to realise, perhaps for the first time, that there is a whole new world out there; one that we never thought existed. A world that is so much larger than us. This contrast can make our problems and egos seem like small inconsequential things. In the vast scheme of the Universe, we are but one drop in an entire ocean. Through discovering life, we begin to discover ourselves.
We were right where we belong the entire time
Thus, we realise that there was no need to search anywhere else to find meaning. Buying more things, becoming richer, having more safety nets doesn’t necessarily allow us to discover ourselves. It binds only us further down into the trap of needing more. The discovery of oneself begins inside ourselves. That’s why wherever we are right now is exactly where we belong.
So give yourself a hug for being you. You are a wonderful, precious being living on this beautiful planet earth.